
Financial Results

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1Q 2024 Operational Updates
FY 2023 Financial Results
3Q 2023 Operational Updates
1H 2023 Financial Results
1Q 2023 Operational Updates
FY 2022 Financial Results
3Q 2022 Operational Update
1H 2022 Financial Results
1Q 2022 Operational Update
FY 2021 Financial Results
3Q 2021 Operational Update
1H 2021 Financial Results
1Q 2021 Operational Update
FY 2020 Financial Results
3Q 2020 Operational Updates
1H 2020 Financial Results
1Q 2020 Operational Updates
FY 2019 Financial Results
3Q 2019 Financial Results Announcement and Briefing
2Q 2019 Financial Results
1Q 2019 Financial Results
FY 2018 Financial Results
3Q 2018 Financial Results
2Q 2018 Financial Results
1Q 2018 Financial Results
FY 2017 Financial Results
3Q 2017 Financial Results
2Q 2017 Financial Results
1Q 2017 Financial Results
FY 2016 Financial Results
3Q 2016 Financial Results
2015 Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Information

Distribution Information


Latest Distribution Schedule

Distribution Period


Distribution Per Unit


Ex-Distribution Date


Book Closure Date


Distribution Payment Date


Distribution History DPU (US Cents) Payment Date
1 Jul to 31 Dec 2022 2.14 30 Mar 2023
1 Jan to 30 Jun 2022 2.61 27 Sep 2022
9 Dec to 31 Dec 2021 0.32 30 Mar 2022
1 Jul to 8 Dec 2021 2.31advanced 17 Feb 2022
1 Jan to 30 Jun 2021 2.70 27 Sep 2021
1 Jul - 31 Dec 2020 2.59 30 Mar 2021
1 Jan - 30 Jun 2020 3.05 25 Sep 2020
30 Sep - 31 Dec 2019 1.45 27 Mar 2020
1 Jul - 29 Sep 2019 1.47advanced 29 Nov 2019
9 May - 30 Jun 2019 0.90 27 Sep 2019
1 Jan - 8 May 2019 2.14advanced 30 Jul 2019
1 Jul - 31 Dec 2018 3.04 29 Mar 2019
1 Jan - 30 Jun 2018 2.53 27 Sep 2018
29 Jun - 31 Dec 2017 2.57 29 Mar 2018
1 Jan - 28 Jun 2017 3.20 31 Aug 2017
20 May - 31 Dec 2016 3.55 30 Mar 2017

Financial Ratios

Period FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021

(Income/Latest No. Of Units)
-0.21388 -0.07302 0.02218


(Unitholders' Funds/Latest No. Of Units Issued)
0.3426 0.5743 0.6685
Price Earnings Ratio (PER)

n.a. n.a. 2.89
Price / Revenue

(Price x Latest No. Of Units/Revenue)
0.547 0.561 0.614
Net Earnings Margin

-182.653 % -64.041 % 21.293 %
Revenue Growth

((Current Year Revenue - Last Year Revenue) / Last Year Revenue)
2.698 % 9.433 % -4.741 %
Distributable Income Growth

((Current Year Distributable Income - Last Year Distributable Income) / Last Year Distributable Income)
-100.000 -1.811 -3.786
Return On Asset (ROA)

(Income/Total Assets)
-23.923 % -6.131 % 1.732 %
Return On Unitholders' Funds

(Income/Unitholders' Funds)
n.a. n.a. 3.318 %
Current Ratio

(Current Assets/Current Liabilities)
1.475 0.657 0.235


  • Adjusted Fundamental Data is data that is adjusted for unit splits, bonus issues, unit consolidations, rights issues and other changes in units issued. The latest number of units is used to calculate these adjusted ratios and is applied right across all the full year results. ShareInvestor updates the total number of units in issue on a best effort basis.
  • Unit splits, bonus issues, unit consolidations and rights issues are updated on the ex-date whereas other changes in number of units issued are updated within 7 working days of the release of the company's latest Results Announcement.
  • The 'Income' used in the Financial Ratios refers to the Net Investment Income Available For Distribution.